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  • Writer's picturestasiabird

Lessons from the Labyrinth

If you've never seen 'The Labyrinth', featuring David Bowie (plus his feature-length soundtrack), a young Jennifer Connelly and Jim Henson's puppets, then ... you should!

We re-watched it a few weekends ago for the first time in years, and I was immediately ensconced in wonder and creative rejuvenation. The music, the story, the visuals - even the 'making of' documentary at the end had me floored afresh. In an age of freely available media, this is one I resolved to own for myself.

One lesson that I pulled was the lesson of the 'false alarms', pictured above. Without giving too much away, these are voices that warn you away from the path you're on, when you're on the right track.

It seems that these voices, in real life, always come at just that moment when we decide to strike out in a new direction. The voices might come from well-meaning folks, who seek to protect us from failure and disappointment. They might come from our inner fears, our own protective instinct. They might come from less well-meaning motives, from people who fear that the growth of others is mutually exclusive to their own growth.

But I think that failure is a crucial step in the creative process - similar to the scientific method. The only way you can get to where you're going is by striking out and trying something. If you never step out, you never get started.

I realize that not all of our plans and journeys are destined for greatness. But I maintain that if the destination is good, the journey is worth it.

Until next time, brave adventurers!

- Stasia

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